
You can now join and renew online! All renewals are due by January 1st of every year. Thank you for joining our organization!

If you are unable to join/renew due to difficulties with paying online or your organization prefers a mail-in application, please click here. The address for submission is included at the bottom of the form.

Joining online will allow you to pay online after you complete the registration and print a payment receipt or print an invoice for payment by your department via department credit card or submission of a check.

$40  Individual- Membership for one individual runs from January 1-December 31 

$100 Organization-Membership includes your logo on our resource page with link to your agency page. Membership runs from January 1-December 31. Please note, if you also have an individual membership you must use a different user ID and email address for the organizational membership.   Organization memberships do not qualify for member rates when registering for conferences.

Membership Meetings are held during the annual conference each year 
Time and day are announced via the event agenda and on the conference page here
